Gender and racial discrimination, exploitation and so forth are only effects. The real problem is that it is possible to suppress the people with false Science or false descriptions of the world; that supports Might Is Right. Or like this. We are not genuine citizens.

01 January 2018

On How Citizens are Replaced by Soldiers

In the upcoming chapters I write a lot about the book Soldaten: On Fighting, Killing and Dying; The Secret Second World War Tapes of German POWs (2012), Google Books, by Sönke Neitzel and Harald Welzer.

This book is a very well crafted Academic work and became also a bestseller.

The book is based on Neitzel's discovery of transcripts of conversations between German prisoners of war during WW II, and tells many otherwise hidden relations of the current Western culture that demonstrates how the ideals of the citizen is transformed to the ideals of the soldier.

Here follows more links, a documentary that is based on the same material and an interview with Neitzel.

Here is a perfect presentation and overview. The Nazi prisoners bugged by Germans, Mario Cacciottolo, BBC, 18 January 2013.

Published on 3 May 2013.

Secrets of the Dead is a television series made by the PBS.

Helen Fry

Joshua Levine

Fritz Lustig (1919-2017)

Trent Park Museum – Home of the Secret Listeners

Photos of German officers and links, Wikipedia, Trent Park.

Published on 12 November 2012.

The Agenda,

Steve Paikin


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