Gender and racial discrimination, exploitation and so forth are only effects. The real problem is that it is possible to suppress the people with false Science or false descriptions of the world; that supports Might Is Right. Or like this. We are not genuine citizens.

13 April 2017

The Fearless Girl Gets Really Interesting Some Levels Up: The Animal Spirit In Dissolution

What was beautiful before 2017 is not the same as what is beautiful in 2017.

The statue Fearless Girl (2017) by Kristen Visbal in relation to the statue Charging Bull (1989) by Arturo Di Modica and the ongoing story about it all are extraordinarily interesting some levels up.

It all can be boiled down to: Humans against the Animal Spirit. Or today it is not enough to be bullish.

The formulated objective with the statue Fearless Girl was from the beginning to highlight the lack of so called Diversity.

Read slowly the following answer from the art activist Ron O’Hanley, State Street Corporation from, The Backstory Behind Wall Street's 'Fearless Girl' Statue, Bethany McLean, The Atlantic, 13 Mars 2017.
Bethany McLean: What was the genesis of Fearless Girl?

Ron O’Hanley: ... Since we are a predominantly passive investor, we don’t have the ability not to own a company, so we spend a lot of time on measures like diversity and effective, strong board governance. That includes diversity of thought and gender diversity. What has been frustrating is that there is a growing body of evidence that creating diverse boards does result in better outcomes. ...
One more time: "That includes diversity of thought and gender diversity."

But, if you try to define what Diversity is about in the current Western culture, you will get absolutely nowhere.

The current Western culture is simply based on to eliminate concrete Dynamic relations in order to force the people to an illusion of a Static world; where the people are doomed to accept how it is and obey.

It is also so that the formal definitions of the Church and the Academic tradition regarding human activity is, even if it is usually hidden, the Animal Spirit; in order to block out concrete definitions of Dynamic relations.

Accordingly, the statue Fearless Girl and the relations to the statue of Charging Bull and the ongoing story are, some levels up, hopefully all about that a growing majority of the people is finally fed up with to be restricted by the Static dogmas of the Church and the Academic cult; that force the people to live in a Static and Hierarchic, or top down, society.

And here is a nice reminder of what the message of the Animal Spirit is all about; to force the people to not understand in concrete manner how to cooperate by to fool them that they can only use violence and to kill to achieve anything.

In practice this means that to do business is the same as
... rip out their hearts and eat it before they die …

as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the former financial services company Lehman Brothers Dick Fuld said in 2007. Then something happened.

Much more about The Animal Spirit in chapter 15. The Bankers And The Naked Rambler Exposes The Illusion, that begins at page 141, in the current version of This Is How The State Fucks Your Mind.

Some links

Fearless Girl Sends a Powerful Message, State Street Corporation

Search Twitter: #fearlessgirl

Fearless Girl @makemepermanent

07 April 2017

Edward Berneys Perfected The Hidden Obedience

Propaganda can only be useful when the people are trained to be unable to understand the hidden commands.

Accordingly is Propaganda effective in the current Western culture to, for example, engage the victims in war or extermination.

Even if the area of Rhetoric, the art of persuasion, is ancient is the form of Rhetoric that today is called Propaganda a new and a very special form of Rhetoric developed to not only persuade but to direct in a hidden manner.

The man that put together Rhetoric, Platonism and the use of the Massmedia and invented Propaganda as a practical tool was Edward Berneys (1891−1995).

Read his book Propaganda (1928), full text, and you will understand the current Western culture and your life.

Here is the beginning of Chapter I, Organizing Chaos.
The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.

We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society.
And do watch the eminent documentary The Century of the Self (2002) made by Adam Curtis that tells the story about Edward Berneys in the first section.

Curtis says in, How Freud got under our skin, Tim Adams, The Guardian, 10 March 2002.
… what we are seeing is a kind of pseudo democracy, which listens all too carefully to the population, but not really to its rational thought, and allows itself to be shaped by that. ...
BBC's presentation of The Century of the Self, 28 February 2002.

The Western Personal Relations to Hitler Expressed by Lars von Trier

Like all other real artists in the current Western culture is the main theme of the Danish film creator Lars von Trier Angst; total Angst. Trier knows for sure his topic and he is a master of his art therefore is Trier's aspects of Adolf Hitler essential.

Trier's words are not on the surface. His words are about the identity of the Western culture and the identities of the citizens of the West. Or like this. Trier can use the shield of the artist to formulate what is the forbidden obvious for everyone else.

Accordingly, I hope anyone that thinks anything about the politics or the human condition, in the West, in any aspect to read Lars Attacks!, Chris Heath, GQ, October, 2011. This text is one of the best interviews that has been published ever. Seriously. But wait to go there until you have seen the video below.

The background to the interview is Triers “Cannes press conference incident” in 2011 before the premiere of his film Melancholia. Trier says.
… What can I say? I understand Hitler… I sympath­ize with him… Okay, I'm a Nazi.
And in the interview in GQ.
… I believe a potential of being a Nazi lies in all human beings. ...

Regarding Trier's words, Susanne Bier is a Danish film director.

By the way, there is an English proverb that says.
Many a true word is spoken in jest.
Jest means for example playful.

Also: The current culture of the West is based on that you can only be an obedient soldier as anything else is made mystical

28 March 2017

Carne Ross and the Arise of Dynamic Statecraft

The documentary Accidental Anarchist about Carne Ross and his work as an independent diplomat has been released recently.

Info, CPH:DOX, March 2017

Unfortunately appears his objective be hampered by the use of the default Western perspective, the perspective that is constructed, by the military dictatorship of the Roman empire, and maintained to eliminate what he tries to achieve.

Perhaps, some day in a distant future, will Carne Ross and his friends at the non-profit organisation Independent Diplomat he has founded read This Is How The State Fucks Your Mind.

Nevertheless, the core message of Carne Ross is interesting and essential; even if it can be made more powerful.

It is of course hopeful that it now is possible to almost openly talk about the ongoing collapse of the current Static culture of the West and how to create Dynamic structures for real.



TED-talk, filmed 2009