Gender and racial discrimination, exploitation and so forth are only effects. The real problem is that it is possible to suppress the people with false Science or false descriptions of the world; that supports Might Is Right. Or like this. We are not genuine citizens.

02 November 2015

Today I have Reported to The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court about the Ongoing Crimes Against Humanity Committed by the Network or the Cartel of the Academic tradition

Update 27 September 2020

Answer from the International Criminal Court 4 April 2016


Preliminary Answer to the International Criminal Court 27 September 2020

All my communication with the ICC is on this page

International Criminal Court


Crimes against humanity are, for instance, genocide and apartheid is regulated by the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, as PDF at the at ICC.  This law is in practice managed by the International Criminal Court, ICC in The Haag, The Netherlands. It is also so that what may be called brainwashing is specified as a crime against humanity.

Here is my letter to The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, that is mainly established on the chapter, in the Teaser; The Main Evidence - Today's So Called Science Is Based On The Dogmas Of The Church In Order To Guarantee Might Is Right.

DOWNLOAD and A FULL PAGE VIEW in a new window.

To Download: Put the cursor at the top of the page, in the new window, and a list with a clickable Download symbol will show up.

This post will be updated later on.

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