Gender and racial discrimination, exploitation and so forth are only effects. The real problem is that it is possible to suppress the people with false Science or false descriptions of the world; that supports Might Is Right. Or like this. We are not genuine citizens.

26 June 2022

First Version of the New Book

Updated 220626

To the Book

They hide the rules; so you believe that Freedom is to submit to Obedience and Conformity. You cannot get it as they train you to exclude real understanding.

This hidden restriction is formally called Platonism.

To understand how Platonism zombifies the victims it is helpful to explore the traditions of the Swedes as Sweden is the most affected nation. In short. Swedism is about Platonism in practice.

However, The tip of the iceberg of Platonism is School Shootings that occur mostly and often in the USA.

Stop School Shootings

Stop Platonism

The Big Overarching Map

From the book, page 26.

The map below shows the main and practical differences between the Dynamic traditions of Athens and the Static traditions of Rome or the present Western worldview or Platonism.

 Click for a larger map - in a new window

 Go to the Book

How I Escaped From Swedism – You Need To Do It Too!

09 February 2022

Andra avsnittet av Skarpt Podcast – Lös Upp Den Dolda Lydnaden

Only in Swedish

I serien ”Lös upp den dolda lydnaden” diskuterar och filosoferar SKARPT kring Ola Alexander Frisks texter tillsammans med Christina Grossi och Solomon.

Den andra delen finns på:

Länkar till alla avsnitt kommer att finnas på sidan: Skarpt Podcast

15 September 2021

Read the New Summary with the First Overall Map of Platonism - The Primary Dualistic Structure



Why is there a strong bond between the Church and Conser-vatism as well as between the Church and many Dictators? And why is Hierarchy the same as order?

On the page Summary


This first version is a draft; because I will later on add more material.

Next version will probably include this article as a collection of arguments regarding the mystical national state.

The Right-Wingers Who Admire the Taliban, Michelle Goldberg, The New York Times, 27 August 2021.

And the Occupy movement as an example of Nietzsche's perspective of the slave mentality .

Below is from ‘We showed it was possible to create a movement from almost nothing’: Occupy Wall Street 10 years on, Andrew Anthony, The Guardian, 12 September 2021.

“... The failure to create the demand was a strategic error that was unavoidable based on the prevailing prefigurative anarchism in New York City at that time.”

He’s referring to the anarchist principle, emphasised by Graeber, that the way radicals organise now should reflect the sort of society they want to build in the future. In that idealised society, debate would replace demands. “They wanted to test that out,” says White. “And, congratulations, it did not work.”


On the page Summary

16 June 2021

My Letter to Noam Chomsky

This letter to Noam Chomsky is a perfect overview of everything I have written so far.

The letter was sent as e-mail 16 June 2021.

This post is roughly 3 pages A4.

The subject line is:

BEHAVIOUR – How to Finally Dissolve the Concept Behaviour that Hides Conformity and Obedience

Below is the full text.



At first a concrete example.

A main theme of the book by the family of Greta Thunberg called Scenes from the Heart or Our House is on Fire: Scenes of a Family and a Planet in Crisis (2020) is the daily struggle against the usually Hidden Static demands of Conformity and Obedience.

This struggle is, for example, called Mobbing. Scene 100 is named “The Price of Being Heard is Hate”.

And for sure Greta's ongoing protest is also about usually Hidden Static ideals that rule the Western world.

And here are some truly great formulations, from this book, under the headline Scene 29. Symbiosis.

… People who have fallen apart like we fell apart, people who are still tattered and torn. Our friends.

The ones who couldn’t keep up the pace.

Those who didn’t fit the mould.

Google Books

You demonstrate with precision how the concept Behaviour – that is currently the base of Psychiatry, Psychology and Sociology – cannot be a base of true Science as this concept regards only the Evidence or the Result of a process.

It is also so as the very definition of this concept is; what others can observe. Accordingly the Dynamic process that results in a Behaviour is Hidden or erased.

The usually missed relation is that the present Western culture is based on Platonism that includes an ideal to wipe out the process to Think or a concrete knowledge of the relations between Cause, Effect and Context.

Accordingly, the present use of the concept Behaviour is a highly essential part of an overall ideal to erase concrete knowledge; in order to force the citizens to take for granted that Conformity and Obedience are the laws of the Nature.

This means also that the concept Behaviour can be used as a fundament of so-called Science in a culture where there is no demand of concrete or true knowledge.

Your insights regarding the concept Behaviour is a theme in Section Three: Command and Control by Provoking Angst.

Ergo, an efficient way to dissolve not only the stupid tradition of the concept Behaviour but Platonism itself is to; talk Openly about the Dynamic process to Think in order to grasp the relations of Cause, Effect and Contest in a concrete manner.

Or like this. As long as there is not a concrete possibility to talk about WHY Behaviour is only a Result will the present terror continue.

If you agree on that it is – somewhat possible – to say that to Think is to combine What We Already Know with What We Want To Know – and to Create an overarching idea or formulation of the new knowledge – then is Platonism dissolved in an intellectual dimension.

These relations are usually called Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis and are the base for the Dynamic process of the Dialogue.

Observe that in the present Western culture it is not possible to reach a Synthesis as to make the combination of What We Already Know and What We Want To Know is a Conflict or a Contradiction.

A vital fundament of the present Western culture or Platonism, is the ban against to solve Contradictions by Thinking.

So, if that is the intellectual dimension there is a need to reach a political dimension.

You are today celebrated as the most distinguished intellectual of the West.

This means in practice that if you don’t Openly express that the human activity to Think – in order to Create Understanding – is concrete and systematic – will the terror of Hidden Conformity and Obedience or Platonism continue to rule the West.

Please read this new chapter to Section Zero: Get Out!

1. The True Function of Thinking is Replaced with Conformity and Obedience – Therefore Wanted the Chief Adviser to the British Prime Minister Weirdos and Misfits – Or – Chomsky, Exactly What Kind of Process Starts in Kinder­garten to Guarantee Conformity and Obedience? – And – Tolstoy Knew It All (sort of)

The Two First Chapters of Get Out!

The relations that I write about above are also specified in a distinct way with The Two HyperEvolutionary Questions.

Today’s so-called Science and Education are dissolved with two fundamental and very precise questions.

The first question regards the concept Logic and is.

Why are Science and Education presently built on the dogma of the Church, that demands; it is impossible to solve Conflicts by Thinking?

The second question regards the tradition of replacing the process to reach Insight with religious violence or what is called Mobbing and is.

Why are Science and Education presently built on that it is according to the laws of the Nature, to reject new Knowledge with Violence; in order to protect established Hierarchic structures?

More about The Two HyperEvolutionary Questions in Intro to The First Book of Hyperdialog: Kick Out the Academic Cult!

Concrete Dynamic Thinking – Dialogues – Dissolves the Terror of Static Hierarchies and the Resulting Conformity and Obedience.

Sincerely yours,

Ola Alexander Frisk


Fixed typos 17 June 2021.